Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Productive but Lazy

Thank you to my wonderful husband and all my children for allowing me to pursue my dream.  I have loved having those of you who have been able to come to California here and I look forward to the rest of you being able to visit.  It has been great to have one on one time with John and Lorien, and Fia, Scott, and Tre.  It was the best ever to have some time with Dad alone also. 

Saturday I was so busy and got my car fixed and ready to come home for this coming time in Bear Lake.  I also cleaned my apartment, did laundry, and went grocery shopping.  At the same time, I felt incredibly selfish because I went shopping for things I really didn't need.  Of course, I have issues with spending money, so really didn't buy anything, but it was strange to shop with just me and nothing I really needed to buy.  All of you know I'm not really a shopper.  The other lazy/selfish thing on Saturday was laying out by the pool while my laundry was going.  (I needed to have a little bit of a tan for Bear Lake)

Sunday I spent several hours working from home on things I needed to get finished up before I leave, and then watched a BBC Series called Wives and Daughters on Netflix.  I enjoyed the series immensely, but felt very lazy to not be more productive. 

Along with thanking you, I would like to let each of you and the world know how much I love you and how proud I am of each and every one of you.  You are the best family anyone could ever have.  Please know that whatever I can do to help out any of you, I will gladly do.  I am looking forward to our time in Bear Lake and can't wait to see all of you.

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